ID PROFACTIVE LLC invests in innovative and strong startups. We are interested in scientific and applied projects of various directions. Priority for us are:
Developments in the field of automated technical systems. Construction, industrial, household, medical, aviation, military, space, underwater robotics.
Oil refining and fuel industry
Developments in the field of production of petroleum products, extraction and processing of various types of fuel
Alternative energy and energy conservation
Developments in the field of renewable energy sources, solar energy, wind energy, etc.
Automotive and engine building
Developments in the field of construction and operation of vehicles and engines
Mechanical engineering and engineering
Developments in the field of industrial engineering, construction and operation of enterprises, as well as infrastructure items, etc.
Medicine, biotechnologies and pharmaceuticals
Developments in the field of diagnostic and therapeutic equipment, the latest drugs, methods of treatment, etc.
Developments in the field of information processing, storage and transmission
Developments in the field of new chemicals with valuable properties for use in medicine, construction, industry, space, biology, etc.